Ostrava – Hr. Králové: double chance 0-0

August 11, 2024

Our tip: Ostrava – Hr. Ostrava: double chance 0-0

11.08.2024 17:00

Baník got into the rhythm of the English weeks 14 days ago, and he didn’t rest this time either. On Wednesday they played their first match in Copenhagen, where they lost very unluckily 0:1 with a goal in the setup. Such defeats are hard on the head as well as physically, for the team fought for a point until the final minutes. In any case, coach Hapal is solving the dilemma of how to put together the lineup, because the rematch is playable, so it looks more like a rotation of players. Baník has sufficiently expanded and acidified the squad before the season, so the home team has 22 quality players, of which only Ewerton is irreplaceable.

The Brazilian midfielder will probably be missing in the starting line-up, while the fast-forward Tanko or Kubala and Klíma could have a chance. In any case, the line-up will be more offensive-minded than in Copenhagen. There may be a change between the three goalposts as well, Baník has a balanced goalkeeping pairing of Markovic – Holec. In any case, Banik’s game could suffer a bit from inconsistency, last season the home team was very mediocre on their field.

Hradec Kralove introduced a new signing during the week, the club acquired ex-national player Petrasek, but he will be ready for a few minutes at most. The Easterners then put on an extremely combative performance in the last round, managing to beat Boleslav (2-1) in ten, even scoring the winning goal in an uneven match. The team thus showed great moral qualities and you can always build on that. The visitors are rested and will trouble Ostrava with their physical play and running performance. Juliš is out, but the team can make up for one absence.

What to bet on:

Baník is out of cups and left a lot of strength in Denmark. Hradec, on the other hand, is rested and fine after the first three rounds, so they will trouble the home team with a good defensive performance in the first half, a draw at half-time or at the end of the game may not be a big sensation.



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